XXII, 1.
30. But he who receives subsistence from infidels (shall perform) an Atikrikkhra penance (and not repeat his offence).
31. (The rule applicable to) a seller of Soma has been explained hereby.
32. A hermit, on violating the rules of his order, shall perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days' duration, and continue (the observances obligatory . on him) in a great forest.
33. Ascetics, (offending in the same manner) as hermits, shall perform for a protracted period (the vow of regulating the quantity of their food according to the growth of the moon, and shall again be initiated, in accordance with (the rules of) the Institutes applicable to them.
CHAPTER XXII. 1. Now, indeed, man (in) this (world) speaks an untruth, or sacrifices for men unworthy to offer a sacrifice, or accepts what ought not to be accepted, or eats forbidden food, or practises what ought not to be practised.
31. Vishnu LIV, 17.
33. The penance prescribed appears to be similar to the Kândrayana. The offender must eat one mouthful on the first lunar day, two on the second, and so forth. But it is not clear for how long a period the rule is to be observed. The Sätra is interesting as it furnishes corroborative evidence for Panini's statement (IV, 3, 110) that Bhikshu-sûtras which contained the rules applicable to Bhikshus formerly existed.
XXII. 1. As this chapter is almost identical with and probably copied from Baudhayana III, 10, and Gautama XIX, the division of the Satras has not been made in accordance with Krishnapandita's commentary, but agrees with that of the chapter in Gautama's Dharmasastra. The notes to the translation of the
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