XXI, 24.
a bird three maladies (befal men), viz. jealousy, hunger, and old age; (therefore) let him (who is guilty of such an offence) perform (a penance) during ninety-eight (days).'
24. Having slain a dog, a cat, an ichneumon, a snake, a frog, or a rat, let him perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days' duration, and give something (to a Brâhmana).
25. But having slain a quantity of boneless ani- . mals, equal to the weight of a cow, let him perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days' duration, and give something (to a Brâhmana).
26. But (the same penance must be performed) for each single (slain animal) that possesses bones.
27. He who extinguishes the (sacred) fires shall perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days, and cause them to be kindled again (by priests engaged for the occasion).
28. He who falsely accuses a Guru shall bathe, dressed in his clothes, and ask his Guru's pardon. It is declared in the Veda that he becomes pure by the Guru's forgiving him.
29. An atheist shall perform a Krikkhra penance of twelve days' duration, and give up his infidelity.
pandita, who further states that the penance to be performed shall consist of a diet of barley gruel. I feel by no means certain that his interpretation, especially that of the last clause, is correct. Possibly ashtânavatim aharet may mean 'he shall offer ninety-eight oblations.'
24. Vishnu L, 30, 31.
25. Gautama XXII, 21. Something' means eight handfuls of grain,
26. Gautama XXII, 22. 27. Vishnu LIV, 13; Gautama XXII, 34. 28. Vishnu LIV, 14; Yâgñavalkya III, 283. 29-30. Vishnu LIV, 15.
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