3. KHAGGAVISÅNASUTTA. Family life and intercourse with others should be avoided, for
society has all vices in its train; therefore one should leave the corrupted state of society and lead a solitary life.
1. Having laid aside the rod against all beings, and not hurting any of them, let no one wish for a son, much less for a companion, let him wander alone like a rhinoceros ?.
2. In him who has intercourse (with others) affections arise, and then the pain which follows affection; considering the misery that originates in affection let one wander alone like a rhinoceros. (35)
3. He who has compassion on his friends and confidential (companions) loses (his own) advantage, having a fettered mind; seeing this danger in friendship let one wander alone like a rhinoceros.
(36) 4. Just as a large bamboo tree (with its branches) entangled (in each other, such is) the care one has with children and wife; (but) like the shoot of a bamboo not clinging (to anything) let one wander alone like a rhinocerosa.
(37) 5. As a beast unbound in the forest goes feeding at pleasure, so let the wise man, considering (only his) own will, wander alone like a rhinoceros. (38)
6. There is a constant) calling in the midst of company, both when sitting, standing, walking, and going away; (but) let one, looking (only) for freedom from desire and for following his own will, wander alone like a rhinoceros.
(39) 7. There is sport and amusement in the midst of
* Comp. Dhp. V. 142.
8. Comp. Dhp. v. 345.
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