Pratibhana, 363. Prâtimoksha, 183, 185. Pravrag, 83. Pravragita, etymology of, 388. Proverbs, 96. Puns, 283, 294, 295, 305. Pupphavagga, 44.
Raga, dust, passion, 313. Râmâyana, 129.
Tabernacle, maker of, 153. Tagara, plant, 54: Taittirîya-âranyaka, 96. Tamhâvagga, 334. Tathagata, 254: Tathagatas, are preachers, 276. Ten evil states, 137. Thirty-six passions, 339. Thought, word, and deed, 96. Thoughts, their influence, 1. Tîrthankara, 104. Tonsure, 264. Trisarana, 190. Trividhadvâra, thought, word, and
deed, 96. Twin-verses, 1.
Ukkusika, see Utkatukâsana, 141. Uncreated (akata), 97. Upâdâna, 20. Upadhi, 418. Upadhiviveka, 203, Upamâ, aupamya, 129. U pasarga, misfortune, 139. Urdhvamsrotas, 218. Utkatukâsana, sitting on the hams,
Sacrifice, worthless, 106. Sahassavagga, quoted in Mahâvastu,
100. Sahita=Tipitaka, 19. St. Luke, 130. St. Matthew, 252. St. Mark, 157. Samana, etymology of, 265. Sâmañña, priesthood, 20. Sambodhyanga, 89. Samsara, 6o. Samskâra, conception, 202. - the five skandhas, 202. Samyutta-nikaya, 69. Sanatsugâtîya, 21. Sankhâra, creature, 255. Sankhâta, 70. Sangña, perception, 302. Sara, truth, reality, 11. Sati, smriti, intense thought, 91. Sayanâsanam, sayanâsanam, 185. Self, lord of self, 160, 165. 1:0 Seven elements of knowledge, 89. Shore, the other, 85, 384. - the two shores, 385. Sindhu horses, 323. Skandha, body, 202. Snowy mountains, 304. Spider, 347. Spoon, perceives no taste, 64. Sugata, Buddha, 285,419 (welfaring). Sukhavagga, 197, Suttanipata, 20, 61, 87,125, 141, 142,
170, 185, 205, 239, 306, 328, 339, 345, 353, 364, 375, 396423.. :
Vâha, horse, or vaha, wave, 339. Vana, forest and lust, 283. Vasishtba-Bharadväga-sútra, 396. Vassikâ flower, 377. Vassikî, flower, 55. Vedanâ, sensation, 202. Videha, king of, 200. Vigñana, knowledge, 202. Vimoksha, freedom, 92, 93. Vinaya-pitaka, 28, 307. Vishnu-sútra, 9. Visvabhû Tathagata, 49. Viveka, separation, retirement, 75,87.
Works, good, 220. World, the next, 176. - of the gods, 177.
Såkala-prâtisâkhya, 352. Sûnya, 92. Svetambaras (Gainas, followers of
Parsvanatha), 141.
Yama, 44, 45, 235. Yama's messengers, 235. Yamakavagga, I. Ye dhammâ, &c., 183. Yellow dress, 9, 10, 307. Yonisab, truly, thoroughly, 326.
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