Fetters of life, 345, 346, 350. Fire, worshipped by Brahmans, 107,
392. Flowers, with and without scent, 51,
52. Four truths, 190, 273.
Gandharva, IO: Gatha, IOI Gâthâsangraha, 183. Gods, 94, 200. Gold pieces, 186, 230 (nekkha). Good and evil bear fruit, 119-122. Gotama, 296. Graha, gaha, 251.
Maggavagga, 273. Maghavan, Indra, 30. Mahâbhârata, 9, 44, 87, 92, 96, 129,
131, 133, 142, 150, 185, 187, 198, 200, 202, 223, 227, 248, 275, 287,
306, 364, 395. Mahaparinibbâna-sutta, 39, 153. Mahavamsa, 21. Mahâvastu, quotes Dharmapada, and
Sahasravarga, 100. Mahavira, 141. Malavagga, 235. Mallikâ, 54. Mandhâtri, 185. Manu, laws, 71, 96, 109, 131, 150,
251, 320, 345, 346. Mâra, the tempter, 7, 8, 34, 37, 40,
46, 57, 105, 175, 274, 276, 337,
350. Milk, turning suddenly, 71. Miracles, Buddha's view of, 254. Mithila, 200. Muni, etymology of, 268, 269. Mustard seed, on a needle, 401, 407.
Gainas, 104, 141. Gambú river, gold of it, 230. Garavagga, 146. Gâtaka, 9, 33, 35-39, 72, 149, 158,
179, 187, 285, 294, 306, 345. Gatâ, sign of Saiva ascetic, 141.
Hair, platted, of Brahmans, 393, 394. Hatred, how it ceases, 3, 4. - ceases by love, 5. Hitopadesa, 129.
Immortal place, 114. Immortality and death, 21. Indra's bolt, 95. Island (dîpa), 25, 26.
Nâgavagga, 320. Nakedness, 141. Nâmarûpa, mind and body, 221, 367. Nibbuta, nirvrita, freed, 89. Niraya, hell, 306. Nirayavagga, 306. Nirukti, 363. Nirvana, 23, 32, 75, 126, 134, 184,
203, 204, 218, 225, 226, 285,
289, 323, 368, 372, 374. Nishkashấya, free from impurity,
play on word, 9.
Kakasûra, 244. Kali, unlucky die, 202. Kalyanamitra, 78. Kanakamuni, 183. Kâsâva, kâshaya, yellow dress, 9. Kathâsaritsagara, 125. Kâvyâdarsa, 411. Kilittba, klishta, 15. Kisagotamî, 45. Kodhavagga, 221. Kusa, grass, 311. Kusa grass, for eating with, 70.
Old-in-vain, 260. Overcome evil by good, 223.
Kittavagga, 33.
Lalita-vistara, 39, 44, 46, 153, 251,
254, 275, 282, 320, 326, 388. Lankâvatâra-sútra, 294. Lily (lotus), its purity, 58, 59. Lokavagga, 167. Lotus leaf, water on it, 401.
Pakinnakavagga, 290. Pakkhandin, praskandin, 244. Panditavagga, 76. Pâpavagga, 116. Paragâmin, 85. Pare, oi módot, 6. Parsvanatha, 141. Path, the evil and the good, 17, 18,
316-319. Patricide, 294. Piyavagga, 209. Platted hair, 141. Prapañka, 254. Prasenagit, defeated by Agâtasatru,
Made and not made, 383.
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