brother, this is an evil to thee, in that when the Pâtimokkha is being recited you fail to take it to your heart, and attend to it with care. There is Pâkittiya in such foolish conduct.
74. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, being angry or displeased with another Bhikkhu, shall give a blowthat is a Pâkittiya.
75. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, being angry or displeased with another Bhikkhu, shall make use of any threatening gesture l—that is a Pâkittiya.
76. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall harass a Bhikkhu with a (charge of) Samghâdisesa without groundthat is a Pâkittiya.
77. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall intentionally suggest difficulties of conscience to a Bhikkhu, with the idea of causing him uneasiness, even for a moment; if he does it to that end alone—that is a Pâkittiya.
78. Whatsoever Bhikkhu shall stand by overhearing when Bhikkhus are quarrelling, or making a disturbance, or engaged in a dispute, hoping to hear what they shall utter; if he does it to that end alone that is a Pâkittiya.
79. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, when he has declared his consent to formal proceedings conducted according to the Dhamma, shall thereafter grumble (about those proceedings)—that is a Pâkittiya.
i Talasattikam uggireyya. The Old Commentary says, Kâyam vâ kâyapalibaddham vâ antamaso uppalapattam pi ukkâreti. Compare âvudhani uggiritvâ at Gâtaka I, 150.
If he should raise any formal objections so as to re-open the question, that would fall under the 63rd Pâkittiya. On 'declaring one's consent' in this and the following rule, see below, Mahavagga II, 23. The whole rule, as well as on No. 63, is repeatedly referred to in Kullavagga IV, 14.
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