71. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, when admonished by the Bhikkhus in respect of some precept in accordance with the Dhamma, shall speak thus: 'I cannot submit myself to that precept, brother, until I shall have enquired touching it of another Bhikkhu, an experienced master of the Vinaya'—that is a Pâkittiya.
A Bhikkhu desirous of training, Bhikkhus1, should learn, and enquire, and settle in his own mind. This is the right rule in this connection.
72. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, when the Pâtimokkha is being recited, shall speak thus: 'What comes of these minor precepts being here recited, save only that they tend to misgiving, and worry, and perplexity!'-there is Pâkittiya in thus throwing contempt on the precepts 3.
73. Whatsoever Bhikkhu, when at the half month the Pâtimokkha is being recited, should say thus: Now for the first time do I notice that this rule, they say, is handed down in the Suttas, is embraced in the Suttas!'-then, if the other Bhikkhus shall know concerning that Bhikkhu thus: 'This Bhikkhu has taken his place at the recitation of the Pâtimokkha once, or twice, not to say oftener 4'that Bhikkhu is not only not made free on account of his ignorance, but he is to be dealt with according to the Dhamma for the offence into which he has fallen, and furthermore he is to be charged with foolishness (in the words), 'This is loss to thee,
1 On this strange allocution see the note to the 10th Nissaggiya. 2 Khuddânukhuddakehi. Compare the Mahâ-parinibbâna Sutta VI, 3, and the passages quoted there in Rh. D.'s note.
In the text read vivannake.
In the text read ko pana vâdo bhiyyo.
In the text read aññânakena.
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