earth, indeed, gave him (Vritra) up to slaughter ; and they slew him, thus given up by her: hence there is a rice-pap for Pashan.
8. Then follows a cake on twelve potsherds for Indra and Agni; for by means of that they slew him, since Agni means fiery glow (tegas), and Indra means manly power, and by means of these two powers they did indeed slay him. Moreover, Agni is the priesthood, and Indra is the nobility; having allied these two, having closely united the priesthood with the nobility, they (the gods) slew him by means of these two powers : hence there is a cake on twelve potsherds for Indra and Agni.
9. Then follows a rice-pap for Mahendra. For before the slaying of Vritra he was indeed Indra ; but after slaying Vritra he became Mahendra (the great Indra), even as (a king becomes) a mahârâga, after obtaining the victory: hence there is a rice-pap for Mahendra. And thereby indeed he renders him great (strong) for the slaying of Vritra : for this reason also there is a rice-pap for Mahendra.
10. Then follows a cake on one potsherd for Visvakarman. To the gods, indeed, on performing the Sâkamedha-sacrifice and obtaining the victory (over Vritra), that sacred work (karman) was made complete (visva), and all was conquered; and so is that sacred work made complete, and all is conquered, by him who has performed the Sâkamedhasacrifice and obtained the victory : hence there is a cake on one potsherd for Visvakarman.
11. And, verily, by performing this sacrifice the gods became what race, what prosperity of the gods there now is; and that same race he propagates,
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