fore-offerings and nine after-offerings, and three Samishtayagus. In the first place there are those five oblations?
3. Now as to why there is a cake on eight potsherds for Agni. With Agni, (shaped into) a sharp point (tegas) », indeed, they (the gods) slew him (Vritra); and Agni, that sharp point, swerved not : hence there is (a cake) for Agni.
4. Then as to why there is a rice-pap for Soma. With the aid of Soma, the king, indeed they slew him, they who have Soma for their king: hence there is a pap for Soma.
5. Then as to why there is a cake on twelve, or eight“, potsherds for Savitri. Savitri, indeed, is the impeller (prasavitri) of the gods; and impelled by Savitri they slew him : hence there is (a cake) for Savitri.
6. Then as to why there is a rice-pap for Sarasvati. Sarasvati in truth is Speech; and Speech indeed it was that cheered them up, saying,
Strike! slay! Hence there is a pap for Sarasvati.
7. Then as to why there is a rice-pap for Pashan. Pashan doubtless is this earth, and this
1 See II, 5, 2, 30 and 41. s See II, 5, 1, 11, with note 9.
* See II, 5, 3, 2. This cake, again, is to be prepared (or offered) simultaneously with the rising of the sun; see p. 409 note.
• According to Taitt. S. I, 8, 4 it is to be one on twelve potsherds.
o The Kânva text has, Attack (abhipadyasva) strikel slay!'
• This identification of Pashan with the earth is very strange, the more so as, at II, 5, 1, 11, special stress is laid on the male nature of Pashan. Perhaps it is in his character of bountiful bestower of food and cattle, or as the tutelary god of travellers, that he is so identified.
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