to the Maruts, the Householders!' He makes an ' under-layer' of butter (in the offering-spoon) from the hollow of the southern pap, takes two cuttings from the latter, pours some butter thereon, and steps across. Having stepped across and called for the
Sraushat,' he says, 'Pronounce the offering-prayer to the Maruts, the Householders!' and pours out the oblation as soon as the Vashat has been uttered.
10. He then says, ' Pronounce the invitatory prayer to Agni Svishtakrit1!' He makes an under-layer of butter from the hollow of the northern pap, takes two cuttings from the latter, pours some butter thereon, and steps across. Having stepped across and called for the 'Sraushat,' he says, ' Pronounce the offeringprayer to Agni Svishtakrit!' and pours out the oblation as soon as the Vashat has been uttered. Thereupon he cuts off the Ida?, but no fore-portion 3. Having invoked (the Idà), they cleanse themselves. This is one mode of performance.
11. Then there is this other. The same altar covered (with sacrificial grass) which has served for the Maruts, the Scorchers, is (used now). Near this covered altar they lay down the enclosing-sticks and pieces of firewood; and having had (the cows) milked in the same way (as before) he cooks the ricepap. The butter he puts on so as to be no mere accessory4. Having cooked (the pap) and basted
See I, 7, 3, 1 seq.
• See I, 8, 1, 1 seq. 3 See I, 7, 4, 6 seq.
• Ned eva prativesam âgyam adhisrayati. There seems to be some mistake here. The commentary on Kâty. V, 6, 6 has 'tad eva' instead of 'ned eva. Sâyana says that the butter is put on the Dakshinagni; but according to Katy. V, 6, 24, it is put on the fire together with the pap. The Kânva text has, abhyardha agyam
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