drives away evil. Now that moon doubtless is king Soma, the food of the gods: they extract it on the first day, intending to consume it on the next day; consequently when that (moon) wanes, it is being consumed by them.
16. And when, at full moon, he offers the AgniSoma (cake) on the first day, he thereby (as it were) extracts that (Soma); and, when extracted, he adds that juice to it, and makes it strong by means of that juice. Whosoever, then, knowing this, prepares the Sânnayya at full moon, renders his offering palatable to the gods, and his offering is palatable to the gods.
17. And again as to why, at new moon, he offers the Indra-Agni (cake) on the first day. Indra and Agni doubtless are the deities of the new and full moon: it is to these, therefore, that he offers directly and expressly; and directly to the new and full moon is offering made by him who thus knows
18. And on the morrow there is Agnis cake and Mitra and Varuna's curds. Now Agni's cake is (offered) for the sole purpose that it may not forsake the sacrifice. Mitra and Varuna, on the other hand, are the two half-moons: the waxing one is Varuna, and the waning one is Mitra. During that night (of new moon) these two meet, and when they are thus together he pleases them with that (cake-offering): and, verily, all is pleased with him, all is obtained by him who thus knows this.
19. In that same night Mitra implants seed in Varuna, and when it (the moon) wanes, then it is
See I, 6, 4, 6 seq.
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