geny and cattle, let him set up his fires in the rainy season',-for the rainy season is the common people, and the people means food,-and he certainly becomes rich in progeny and cattle, whosoever, knowing this, sets up his fires in the rainy season.
9. [In the opinion of others] both these (classes of) seasons have the evil dispelled from them, for the sun is the dispeller of their evil, and as soon as he rises he dispels the evil from both these (classes of seasons). He should therefore set up his fires at any time, when he feels called upon to sacrifice; and should not put it off from one day to the morrow: for who knows the morrow of man??
1. On the day preceding his Agnyâdheya, he (the sacrificer with his wife) should take his food in the day-time. For the gods know the minds of man : they are, therefore, aware that his Agnyâdheya is to take place on the morrow; and all the gods betake themselves to his house and stay (upa-vas) in his house; whence this day is called u pavasatha (fast-day).
2. Now, as it would be unbecoming for him to take food before men (who are staying with him as his guests) have eaten; how much more would it be so, if he were to take food before the gods have eaten: let him therefore take his food in the day-time. Howhe may also, if he choose, take food at night, 1 The Black Yagus recommends sarad, autumn, for the Agnyâdheya in the case of a Vaisya.
Ko hi manushyasya svo veda. The Kanva text has: Na vai manushyah svastanam veda (veda) ko hi (!) tasmai manushyo yah svastanam vidyât, 'in truth no man knows the morrow, for what man, that knows the morrow, is there for him?'
See I, I, 1, 7 seq.
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