14. 'He prays for abundant offspring,'-—what then was'more abundant offering,' that is here expressly 'abundant offspring.' He who proceeds in this way will ensure dominion. He may, however, say, 'He prays for future worship of the gods,' for thereby (he ensures) long life, offspring, cattle 1.
15. 'He prays for more abundant offering,'thereby (he prays for) that same object. 'He prays for dominion over his co-evals (or countrymen);'-his co-evals, doubtless, are his vital airs, for he is born along with his vital airs : hence he thereby prays for vital airs.
16. 'He prays for a heavenly abode ;'-he who sacrifices assuredly sacrifices with the desire that there may be for him also (a place) in the world of the gods: he thereby confers on him a share in the world of the gods 2. May he obtain, may he accomplish what he prays for through this offering !' he thereby says, ' May all, that he prays for through this offering, be fulfilled to him !
17. These five prayers for blessings he offers now, and three (he offered) at the idâ, these are eight. Of eight syllables, truly, consists the gâyatri metre, and the gâyatri means vigour: hence he thereby imparts vigour to the prayers.
18. Let him not offer more than these; for if he offered more, he would do what is in excess; and what is in excess at the sacrifice, that remains over
* The ritual of the Black Yagur-veda (Taitt. Br. III, 5, 10; Taitt. S. II, 6, 9, 7) and the Âsv. S. prescribe both these formulas. The order of formulas also, as there given, differs somewhat from that of our work.
* The Black Yagur-veda and Âsv. S. insert here, 'He prays for all that is dear to him.'
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