6. 'They, of wide abode, the afforders of safety;' he thereby says, 'May they both be possessed of wide abodes and exempt from danger.'' They, the rain-skied, the water-pouring,' he thereby says, 'May they both be possessed of rain.'
7. 'They, the genial and beneficent;' he thereby says, 'May they both be genial and beneficent.''They, the rich in sap and substance;' he thereby says, 'May they both abound in moisture and afford the means of subsistence.'
8. 'They, of easy access and good abode;' he thereby says, 'May yonder (sky), which thou approachest from below, afford thee easy access; may this (earth) on which thou abidest (or movest) afford thee good abode.'-'With their knowledge-, thereby he says, 'Both of these approving—'
9. 'Agni has graciously accepted this oblation, he has grown in strength, he has acquired greater power,' he thereby refers to Agni's butter-portion.'Soma has graciously accepted this oblation, he has grown in strength, he has acquired greater power,' he thereby refers to Soma's butter-portion.-' Agni has graciously accepted this oblation, he has grown in strength, he has acquired greater power,' he thereby refers to the indispensable cake which is (offered) on both occasions (the new and full-moon sacrifice).
10. And in the same way according to the respective deities. 'The butter-drinking gods have graciously accepted the butter, they have grown in strength, they have acquired greater power;' thereby he refers to the fore-offerings and after-offerings; for the butter-drinking gods truly are the fore-offerings and after-offerings.-'Agni, by virtue of his Hotriship, has graciously accepted this oblation, he has
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