ficial dishes on the Åhavaniya; for thence, assuredly, the gods ascended to heaven, and therewith they went on worshipping and toiling : therein we will cook the sacrificial dishes; therein we will perform the sacrifice! For, as it were, a displacement of the sacrificial dishes would take place, if they were to cook them on the Gârhapatya. The Åhavaniya is the sacrifice: we will perform the sacrifice in the sacrifice !'
27. However, they also do cook on the Gârhapatya, arguing, 'The former is indeed â havaniya (i.e. “suitable for a burnt-offering”); but that one, surely, is not intended) for this,—viz. that they should cook uncooked (food) on it; but it is intended) for this,-viz. that they should offer up cooked (food) on it.' He may therefore do it on whichever (fire) he pleases.
28. That sacrifice spake, 'I dread nakedness.' What is unnakedness for thee?' 'Let them strew (sacrificial grass) all round me!' For this reason they strew (sacrificial grass) all round the fire. 'I dread thirst.' 'How art thou to be satiated ?' 'May I satiate myself after the priest has been satisfied !' Let him therefore, on the completion of the sacrifice, order that the priest be satisfied; for then he satisfies the sacrifice.
Fourth BRÂHMANA. 1. Pragâpati conceived a passion for his own
1 Apaskhala. Sâyana takes skhala to mean winnowing- (or threshing-) floor (? khala): hence apaskhala would mean 'the leaping (of the husk, &c.) out of the winnowing-floor.' The Kanva MS. reads, apaskhala iva sa havishâm yad gârhapatyah' (?'the Gârhapatya is to the sacrificial food the outside of a winnowingfloor, as it were.)
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