1. I announce?, and (will) complete (my Yasna) to the lords 3 of the spiritual creatures, and to the lords of the earthly creatures, to the lords 8 of those which live under the waters, and to the lords of those which live upon land, to the lords of those which strike the wing, and to the lords of those which roam (wild) upon the plains, to the lords of those of (homebeasts) of the cloven hoof, holy lords of the ritual order.
2. I announce, and I (will) complete (my Yasna) to the Yearly festivals, the lords of the ritual order, to Maidhyô-zaremaya, the milk-giver, the holy lord of the ritual order, and to Maidhyô-shema, the pasturegiver, and to Paitishahya, the corn-giver, and to Ayathrima, the furtherer or breeder, the spender of the seed of males, and to Maidhyâirya the cold", the holy lord of the ritual order, and to Hamaspathmaêdhaya, the especial time for ritual deeds, holy lords of the ritual order.
1 This Visparad consists of additions to various portions of the Yasna; and its several chapters generally follow the corresponding portions of the Yasna in the Vendidad Sâdah. The word Visparad means all the chiefs,' referring to the lords of the ritual.' Chapter I should be read immediately after Yasna I, 9.
: Or, 'I invite.'
* Lords because ruling as chief objects of attention during their mention in the course of the sacrifice, also, as in this case, genii guarding over all of their class.
• So De Harlez, admirably following the Pahl. sardîk (sic). . Pavan yazisn kardarih.
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