furtherance of that good blessedness which teaches concerning glory? 8-10 (= Y. VIII, 5–7).
11. In order that our minds may be? delighted, and our souls the best, let our bodies be glorified as well, and let them, O Mazda! go likewise openly (unto Heaven) as the best world of the saints as devoted to Ahura, (12) and accompanied by Asha Vahista (who is Righteousness the Best), and the most beautiful! And may we see Thee, and may we, approaching, come around about Thee, and attain to entire companionship with Thee! And we sacrifice to the Righteous Order, the best, the most beautiful, the bounteous Immortal!
YASNA LXI (Sp. LX). 1. Let us peal" forth the Ahuna-vairya in our liturgy between the heaven and earth, and let us send forth the Asha Vahista in our prayer the same, and the Yênhê hâtãm. And let us send forth in our liturgies between the heaven and earth the pious and good prayer of the pious man for blessings, (2) for the encounter with, and for the displacement of Angra Mainyu with his creatures which are likewise evil as he is, for he is filled with death (for those whom he has made). Aye, let us send that petition forth for the encounter with, and for the dislodgment of the Kahvaredhas and of the individual Kahvaredhathe male, and the female
Or, 'welfare.'
i Aunghãn. 3 The nom. is difficult. The Ashem Vohů and Ahuna follow. • De Harlez, 'faisons retentir.' • The Pahlavi perhaps 'diminishers;' Darmesteter, causing to
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