the Lord, a praiser of the Bountiful Immortals; and to Ahura Mazda, the good and endowed with good possessions, I attribute all things good, to the holy One, the resplendent, to the glorious, whose are all things whatsoever which are good; whose is the Kine, whose is Asha (the righteous order pervading all things pure), whose are the stars, in whose lights the glorious beings and objects are clothed 2.
2. And I choose Piety, the bounteous and the good, mine may she be 3. And therefore I loudly deprecate all robbery and violence against the (sacred) Kine, and all drought to the wasting of the Mazdayasnian villages.
3. Away from (?) their thoughts do I wish to lead (the thought of) wandering at will, (away the thought of) free nomadic pitching of the tent, for I wish to remove (?) all wandering from (their) Kine which abide in steadfastness upon this land; and bowing down in worship to Righteousness I dedicate my offerings with praise so far as that. Never may I stand as a source of wasting, never as a source of withering to the Mazdayasnian villages, not for the love 7 of body or of life.
4. Away do I abjure the shelter and headship of the
And sacrificer. • A genuine citation from the Gâthas (see Y. XXXI, 7).
A genuine allusion to the Gathas (Y. XXXII, 2). * This preserves the proper reading of tâyuska (so the Pahlavi) in Y. XXIX, 1. • Viyâpal as beyond a doubt; so viyâpem in verse 3.
Frá has the same force as in fra perenaoiti (?), to fill forth, to empty. Otherwise, 'forth to their thoughts I offer in my prayer free ranging at their choice, and a lodging where they will, together with their cattle which dwell upon this land.
'Comp. nairi-kinanghô, khratu-kinanghô, and shaêtô-kinanghô.
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