20. This fourth blessing I beseech of thee, O H(a)oma, thou that drivest death afar ! that I may stand forth on this earth with desires gained', and powerful, receiving satisfaction, overwhelming the assaults of hate, and conquering the lie.
This fifth blessing, O H(a)oma, I beseech of thee, thou that drivest death afar! that I may stand victorious on earth, conquering in battles ?, overwhelming the assaults of hate, and conquering the
21. This sixth blessing I ask of thee, O H(a)oma, thou that drivest death afar! that we may get good warning of the thief, good warning of the murderer, see first the bludgeon-bearer, get first sight of the wolf. May no one whichsoever get first the sight of us. In the strife with each may we be they who get the first alarm!
22. H(a)oma grants to racers 3 who would run a course with span both speed and bottom (in their horses). H(a)oma grants to women come to bed with child a brilliant offspring and a righteous line.
H(a)oma grants to those (how many !) who have long sat searching books, more knowledge and more wisdom.
23. H(a)oma grants to those long maidens, who sit at home unwed, good husbands, and that as soon as asked, he H(a)oma, the well-minded.
24. H(a)oma lowered Keresâni“, dethroned him from his throne, for he grew so fond of power, that
Pahl. min hvâstâr.
? Pahl. vânîdar pavan kashâno. * Arvantô=aurvantô; so the Pahl. arvand.
• Comp. the Vedic Krisânu, archer and demi-god who guarded the Soma. Ner. seems to notice that the name recalls that of the Christians.
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