Immortals, and for the propitiation of Sraosha (who is Obedience) the blessed, who is endowed with sanctity, and who smites with the blow of victory, and causes the settlements to advance.
2. And I desire to approach Haoma and Parahaoma' with my praise for the propitiation of the Fravashi of Spitâma Zarathustra, the saint. And I desire to approach the (sacred) wood with my praise, with the perfume, for the propitiation of thee, the Fire, O Ahura Mazda's son!
3. And I desire to approach the Haomas with my praise for the propitiation of the good waters which Mazda created; and I desire to approach the Haomawater, and the fresh milk 2 with my praise, and the plant Hadhânaêpata, offered with sanctity for the propitiation of the waters which are Mazda-made.
4. And I desire to approach this Baresman with the Zaothra with my praise, with its binding 8 and spread with sanctity for the propitiation of the Bountiful Immortals. And I desire with (?) my voice the thoughts well thought, and the words well spoken, and the deeds well done, and the recital of the Gathas as they are heard. And I desire to approach the well-said Mãthras with my praise, and this (higher) lordship with this sanctity, and this exact regulation * (of the Ratu), and the reverential prayer for blessings (spoken at the fitting hour); and I desire to approach them for the contentment and propitiation
· The Haoma-juice.
9 So better than fresh meat.' Fluids are the chief objects of attention here.
s With its girdle.
• Anghuyām-rathwãm stand related as ahQ and ratu; so also the Pahlavi ahQõih and radih, and Ner. svâmitâmka gurutamka.
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