and pastures, and these dwellings with their springs of water !, and this land-ruler, who is Ahura Mazda.
17. And in this Zaothra with this Baresman I desire to approach all the greatest lords with my praise, the day-lords, and the month-lords, those of the years, and of the seasons, and the good, heroic, bountiful Fravashis of the saints.
18. And in this Zaothra with this Baresman I desire to approach all the holy Yazads with my praise; yea, even all the lords of the ritual order, Havani at his time, and Savanghi at his time, and all the greatest lords of the ritual at their proper times.
OBJECTS OF PROPITIATION. 1. With a Baresman brought to its appointed place accompanied with the Zaothra at the time of Hâvani, I desire to approach the Myazda-offering with my praise, as it is consumed, and likewise Ameretatât 3 (as the guardian of plants and wood) and Haurvatât (who guards the water), with the (fresh) meat 3, for the propitiation of Ahura Mazda, and of the Bountiful
* See note on Y. I, 16.
• Spiegel has observed with truth that Ameretatât and Haurvatåt may represent severally all the fruits and the liquids offered.
3 The modern Parsis, Haug following, render 'butter'; but Spiegel is inclined to discredit this later tradition, holding that 'flesh' was originally intended; but on its becoming disused in India, milk was substituted, hence the error.
Gaus hudhau, in its primary sense, meant of course the Kine of blessed endowment.' (Repetitions are again curtailed.)
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