(cursing speech) to reach 1 (and to pollute) Asha's paths (where the faithful souls come).
14. (And as are those lost spirits, so are our foes.) No friends to the creatures 2 are the Karpans, (not granting) complete (harvests) from the fields with complete (pasture) for the Kine (chief objects for our prayer), bringing woe 3 by their deeds and their teachings. And they 4 will deliver these (beings 5 whom they lead) at the last (?) by their doctrine(s) in the Home of the Lie.
15. But this is the reward which Zarathustra declared before (to his friends who counsel with Asha), and are fitted for the cause 6; Ahura Mazda will come the first? into His Song Home, Garðdman,
Nãsvau(ão) would naturally mean 'reaching '; but the word is also elsewhere used in an evil sense, 'reaching to harm.' Y. LIII, 7. The Pahlavi, however, indicates the reading nasvau by its nasînênd. Does the Avesta show an original evil sense to nas=to reach? May the two nas possibly have some original connection? That hvis skyaothnâis means here by means of' rather than because of' is the more probable from the same words in the next verse, and this notwithstanding Y. XXXI, 20.
? So general a term as creatures' should be avoided where possible ; but see ye dâthaêibyő eres ratům khshayās ashavau kista (verse 5).
As to the grammatical structure, all depends on senda. Shall we bring down nôit from the verse above; or shall we regard senda as in an evil sense from sad as in sadrâ? The Pahlavi favours the former, as also in Y. XXXVIII, 5 (Sp. 15). The general result is not, however, affected. Read as alternative: No friends to the creatures are the Karpans as to perfect (harvests) from the fields, (not) blessing us in the matter of perfect (care and fodder) for the cattle, &c.; (sad in the sense of blessing with nôit).
• Free. Or, doctrines.' See the eleventh verse.
? Alternatives would be, Ahura will meet these engagements (?) made when the reward was promised; or, the reward which Zarathustra promised before Ahura came into Garôdman. Ac
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