Page of the Pâli Text. Asokârâma (near Patna)
. 16, 17. Assagutta (âyasma) . . . . 6, 7, 14. Âyupâla (âyasma) Whâ (nadi) . . . . . 70. Kalasi (gâmo) . . . . . 83. Kasmîra (rattham)
82, 327, 331. Kola-pattana (seaport) .
359. Gandhâra (rattham) . . . 327, 331. Kandagutto (râga) . . . . 292. Kina (? China) . . . . . 121, 327, 331, 359. Takkola (?=Karkota) . . . 359. Tissatthera (lek hâkariyo). . . 71. Devamantiya (Yonako)
• 22-24, 29, 30. Dhamma-rak khita (@yasma). . . 16, 18. Nikumba (rattham) . . . . 327. Bindumatî (ganika)
121. Bhaddasâla (senapati-putto) . · 292. Bharukakkha (men of)
331. Mankura (Yonako) .
. 29, 30. Madhura (nigamo) ·
· 331. Yonakâ (the tribe) . . . I, 4, 20, 68. Rakkhita-tala (in the Himalayas). . 6, 7, 12, 18. Rohana (âyasma) . . . • 7, 10. Vanga (Bengal) . . . . 359. Vattaniya (senâsanam) . . · 10, 12, 14-16. Vigamba-vatthu (senâsana ni) Viláta (rattham) . . . . . 327, 331. Saka-yavana (the countries of) . . 327, 331. Sankheyya (parivenam)
· 19, 22. Sabbadinna or Dinna (Yonako). · 29, 56. Sagala (nagaram) . . . . 1, 3, 5, 14, 22. Surattha (nigamo) . . . . 359, men of, 331. Suvanna-bhūmi (Burma) . . . 359. Sonuttara (brâhmano). .
. 9. It will be noticed that the only names of persons, besides those occurring in the story itself, are, in one passage, Asoka and Bindumatî the courtesan, and in another Kandragupta and Bhaddasâla who fought against him. Of places, besides those in the story, we have a considerable number of names referring to the Panjab, and adjacent countries; and besides these the names only of a few places or countries on
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