working grace?; yea, let Thy Saoshyant see how gifts of recompense may be his own.
10. When, Mazda ! shall the men of mind's perfection come ?? And when shall they drive3 from hence, the soil of this (polluted) drunken joy-, whereby the Karpans with (their) angry zeal would crush us, and by whose inspiration the tyrants of the provinces (hold on) their evil rule o ?
11. Yea, when shall our perfected Piety appear
Bartholomae's third sing. imper. is also of course well possible; but were not the originally abnormal third singulars in -âm, duhấm sayâm, vidâm, taken over from third pl. subj. '-am really equalling the nasal vowel merely *? Comp. also Indian ádrisram, ábudhram, ásrigram, Zend vavazirem, -am=an. Tradition' has, Pahl. zîvisnîh; Ner. gîvitam; Pers. zîstan, for akãm, as if rendering enjoyment,' experience of life.' * (âm=tâm is more difficult.)
Comparing vápus; otherwise, with the Pahlavi, knowing the destruction (of the evil) which Vohậman works ;' see Y. XXIX, 6, where the rendering of the Pahlavi is supported by the previous verse.
* Comp. Y. XLVI, 3. Kada Mazda frârentê* -saoshyantâm khratavô ?
s Compare Y. XXXII, 15.
• Is Soma-intoxication here referred to? And was the Haomaworship in abeyance at the time? The Pahlavi seems to have understood magic' here, and in the evil sense, that is, judging from the perhaps later gloss. Aside from the gloss, however, the Pahlavi may well have been, nay, more probably was, intended to be read madih as=madahya.
As to this word, we cannot do better than follow Justi (although his work is now a score of years old). The Indian várpas, in the sense of deceit, has also been compared. The last Pablavi translator was probably confused by finding this word, as so often, divided in his MS. He rendered as best he could, or rather he handed down the shattered documents, or oral teachings, of his predecessors with his own too often lame additions, the whole mass being rich in the relics of the truth.
o See verse 5.
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