Aparârka=Aparârka's Commentary on the Yagnavalkya-smriti,
Deccan College MS. Âpastamba, see Manu. Baudhấyana, see Manu. Col. Dig.=Colebrooke's Digest of Hindu Law (translation of
Gagannatha's work). Dâyabhaga=Colebrooke's translation of the Dâyabhâga on Inheri
tance, or the Sanskrit text of the D., in the Calcutta edition of
1829. Dâyakramasangraha=Wynch's translation in Stokes's Hindu Law
Books, or the Calcutta edition. Gagannatha=Gagannatha's Vivadabhangrârnava (the work trans
lated by Colebrooke), Bengali MS. in my possession. Gautama, see Manu. M. or Mitâksharâ=Mitakshara, the Calcutta edition of the Vya
vahârâdhyâya, or Colebrooke's version of the Mitâksharâ on
Inheritance. | M. Macn.=Macnaghten's translation of the Mitaksharâ on Ad
ministration of Justice. Manu=the Code of Manu, ed. Jolly, London, 1887; or Professor
Bühler's translation of the same. For the principal editions and translations of Âpastamba, Baudhayana, and the other old lawbooks, I may refer to my volume of Tagore Law Lectures. May.=Mandlik's translation of the Vyavahara Mayakha, in his
Hindu Law, Bombay, 1880. May. (text)=Mandlik's edition of the same, ibid. | Mayûkha=the same work. Minor Narada=The Institutes of Narada, transl. by J. Jolly, London,
1876; or the unpublished Sanskrit original of the same work. Narada=the present translation. Nârada-smriti=The Institutes of Narada, edited by J. Jolly, in
the Bibliotheca Indica series. Nepalese Narada=Mr. Bendall's Nepalese Palm-leaf MS. of Narada. Raghunandana=Raghunandana's Vyavahâratattva, the Calcutta
edition. Ratn.= Vivada Ratnakara, in the Bibliotheca Indica.
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