ship. Almost every case of the noun in the Veda has found its special investigator, the Dative in Delbrück (1867), the Genitive in Siecke (1869), the Vocative in Benfey (1872), the Instrumental in Wenzel (1879), the Accusative in Gaedicke (1880). The nominal suffixes have been treated by Bruno Lindner in his Altindische Nominalbildung (1878); the suffixes of the Infinitive by Professor Ludwig (1871) and Professor Wilhelm (1870 and 1873). Geldner and Professor Kaegi have given a popular and useful account of the results of Vedic studies in Siebenzig Lieder des Rigveda (1875), and Der Rigveda (1881).
The following is a list of the more important publications on the Rig-veda which have proved useful to myself and will prove useful to others. This list does not pretend to be complete, but even in its incomplete form, I hope that it may be serviceable to students of the Rig-veda.
The following abbreviations have been used :Bezz. Beitr. = Beiträge zur Kunde der indogermanischen Sprachen, herausgegeben
von A. Bezzenberger. Festgrass an Böhtlingk=Festgruss an Otto von Böhtlingk zum Doctor-Jubiläum
von seinen Freunden. Stuttgart, 1888. Journ. Amer. Or. Soc. = Journal of the American Oriental Society. KZ. = Kuhn's Zeitschrift für vergleichende Sprachforschung. Rev. hist. rel. = Revue de l'histoire des religions, publiée by M. Jean Reville.
Paris. ZDMG. = Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenländischen Gesellschaft.
ARROWSMITH, R. The Rigveda. By Adolf Kaegi. Translation.
Boston, 1886. AUFRECHT, TH. KZ. XXV, 435, 601; XXVI, 610; XXVII, 609.
Zur Kenntniss des Rgveda : Festgruss an Böhtlingk, 1-3.Erklärung vedischer Stellen: Bezz. Beitr. XIV, 29-33.-ZDMG.
XLV, 305 AVERY, JOHN. Contributions to the History of Verb-Inflection in
Sanskrit, 1875. (Journ. Amer. Or. Soc., Vol. X, No. 10.) - The Unaugmented Verb-Forms of the Rig- and Atharva-Vedas
(Journ. Amer. Or. Soc., Vol. XI, No. 2, 1885.) BARTHOLOMAE, Chr. Rv. I, 171, 1: KZ. XXIX, 279.–Arisches :
Bezz. Beitr. XV, 1-43, 185-247.-ZDMG. XLIII, 664-668. - Studien zur indogermanischen Sprachgeschichte. Halle, 1890.
See Pischel in Götting. Gel. Anz., No. 13, 20 Juni 1890, pp. 529 ff.
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