I have often stated how much I was indebted to the labours of others in all I have endeavoured' to do for the Veda. I have to make the same acknowledgment once more. Many indeed of those with whom I once worked side by side have ceased from their labours, but the gaps which death has caused have been filled by many young and equally valiant soldiers. I am almost afraid to mention names, lest I should seem forgetful of some by whose labours I have benefitted. The elaborate publications of M. Bergaigne occupy a prominent place, and seem to me to have hardly received the credit which they deserve. Scholars are too apt to forget that we may differ from the results arrived at by our colleagues, and yet admire their industry, their acumen, their genius. Professor Ludwig has continued his work, undismayed by the unjust and unseemly attacks of his rivals. Professor Oldenberg's contributions, Das altindische Akhyâna, 1883; Rigveda-Samhitå und Sâmavedârcika, 1884; Die Adhyâyatheilung des Rigveda, 1887, and lastly, the Prolegomena to his Hymnen des Rigveda, 1888, have opened new and important fields of critical investigation. Different views have been ably represented by Pischel and Geldner in their Vedische Studien.
Professor Avery's Contributions to the History of VerbInflection in Sanskrit (1875), Professor Lanman's Statistical Account of Noun-inflection in the Veda (1877), are indispensable helps to every student of the Veda. Professor Delbrück's Syntaktische Forschungen (1871-1879) und Das Altindische Verbum (1874) marked a decided advance in critical scholar
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