âsú, quick, swift :
evá ít, I, 105, 12; gta ít, II, 34, å savab, X, 78, 5.--åsú-bhib, on the 14; It u, V, 55, 7; så să ít, VI,
quick steeds, 1, 37, 14; 11, 34, 66, 3 ; sádam it, 1, 114, 8. 3*; V, 55, 1; 61, 11.
itás, from here : âsú-asva, with quick horses :
itab (opp. to átab), I, 6, 10. asu-asvab, V, 58, 1; (1, 37, 31.) iti : as, to sit :
V, 52, 11; 53, 3 ; 61, 8; 18. asate, they are enthroned (as gods), ití, pace :
I, 19,6; ásate, they dwell, I, 168, itya (nábhasab), I, 167, 5. 3.-upa-asate, they revere, X, itthå, thus : 121, 2.
1, 39, !; 7; 165, 3; VII, 56, 15; as, mouth:
VIII, 7, 30.-ittha dhiya, thus 'âså vándyâsah, visibly like, I, 168, is my thought, V, 61, 151; 1,2, 6.
2.-ás, mouth, as the instrument stran, see pratab-ítvan. of praise (41-43); etymology idám, this here ...:
(42, note *); asa, instr. (42 seq.). dyām imam, X, 121, 1; iyám priasán, mouth:
thivi, V, 54, 9.-asya, x, 121, 3; asá-bhib, I, 166, 1'.
1, 86, 4; 5; asya, his (Indra's), asa :
1, 6, 71.-eshâm, I, 37, 3'; 9; instr. asaya, (1, 168, 1.)
13; 15; 38,8; 12; 165, 13; V, asåt, coram :
52, 15'; 87,3'; etå vatab eshâm, (42 seq.)
VIII, 7,15; tát eshâm, this is asyā, mouth :
theirs, VIII, 20, 14 (bis).-ima, asyê, I, 38, 14.
here are, I, 165, 4; imé Maru
tab (opp. anyé), VII, 57, 3. — i, to go ...:
idám, here, II, 33, 10. iyânáb, approaching for (two Acc.), idam-idam, again and again :
II, 34, 14'; yatib vrishti, going VII, 59, 1. with rain, V, 53, 5'; vyáthib iná, strong: yati (a ship) that goes rolling, V, inasab, V, 54, 8. 59,2'; ritám yaté, to the right indu, (Soma) drop : eous man, X, 78, 2; 1yante, they indu-bhib, VIII, 7, 14; Indavab, I, move along, V, 55, 1; fyate, X, 2, 4; 134, 2.-indo, o Indu, 1, 168, 1; 1yamânab, X, 168, 3.
43, 8. áti iyama, let us pass, V, 53, 14. Indra :
-adhi-ithá, you listen (c. Gen.), indra, Indra, 1, 6,5; 165, 3; 5; 7; VII, 56, 15.-ánu yanti, they 167, 1; 170, 2; 5; 171, 6; infollow, V, 53, 6.-&-itasab, they drab, 1, 85, 9; 165, 10 ; 166, 12; are come, I, 165, 18; úpa & ayati, VII, 56, 25; VIII, 94, 6; vâyo he comes to ask) for (Acc.), indrab ka, 1, 2, 5; 6; indram, 1, VIII, 20, 221,-ut-itab surab, the 6, 10; 87, 5; VIII, 7, 34; 31; risen sun, x, 121, 6; út-ite indrena, 1, 6, 7; Indraya, 1, 165, sürye, at sunrise, V, 54, 10.
11; indrasya, 1, 6, 8, 167, 10; nib-etave, to come forth, I, 37, índrât, 1, 171, 4; Indre, I, 166, 9',- pára itana, move along, V, 11. – Indra called víra, (I1, 61, 4.-prá yantu, go forth, V, 33, 1') 87, 1; prayat-bhyab, V, 54, 9; indra-vat, joined by Indra : pra-yati adhvaré, while the sacri- Indra-vantab, V, 57, 1. fice proceeds, VIII, 7, 6; ánu Indravayu, Indra and Vayu : prá yanti, V, 53, 10.-Ví yayub indravậya, 1, 2, 4. parva-sáb, they have trodden to indriya, vigour :
pieces, VIII, 7, 23;(VIII,7,22') indriyam, 1,85, a.- indriyéna, with 1a, food :
(Indra's) might, I, 165, 8. frâbhib, V, 53, 2.
indh, to kindle: it, indeed ...:
idhânáb, VI, 66, 3.-sám indhatâm t ít, then only, I, 87, 5; 168, 9; (agním), let them light (the fire), [32]
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