â, pronominal base, see aya ágas, ayos, guilt, sin:
agab, VII, 57, 4; (257.) Ångirasa :
Purumilba Ångirasa, (362.) âga, skin of a goat:
(23.) agl, race, course:
ågsshu, 11, 34, 3; (1, 37, 81.) åt, then: at áha, thereupon, I, 6, 4'; &t ít,
then only, 1, 87, 5; 168, 9. &tura, sick:
aturasya, VIII, 20, 26. âtma-da, he who gives breath:
âtma-dab, X, 121, 2; (4.) âtmán, breath: âtmá devānâm, the breath of the
gods (Vâta), X, 168, 4. Åtreya:
Arkanānas Åtreya, (V, 61, 5o.) à-dardira, tearing to pieces:
â-dardirasab (ådrayab), x, 78, 6. Aditya, the Adityas : adityasab, x, 77, 2; adityéna nám-
nâ, x, 77, 8.-aditya naka, (X, 121, 5.)- Vasus, Adityas, Rudras, (VII, 56, 20%.)-(See 243 seqq.); âdity&b aditib, (244); eight A., (251 seq.); seven A.,
(252 seqq.); six A., (253.) âdhavanîya, a Soma-vessel:
(VIII, 94, 59.) a-dhîta, known: 2-dhitam, what we once knew, I,
170, 1. à-dhrish, see dhrish. ấp, to find: âpub, I, 167, 9; âpânám=&pnu
vantam, (II, 34, 7'.) X-pathi, comer:
X-pathayab, V, 52, 10. å-patbî, wanderer:
à-pathyab, I, 64, 11. åpâna, a draught:
âpânám, II, 34, 7'. âpí, friend:
åpayab, II, 34, 10; V, 53, 2'. åpi-tvá, friendship:
api-tvám, VIII, 20, 22. â-príkkhya, honourable :
'à-príkkbyam, 1, 64, 13? a-bha, mighty :
a-bhuvab, I, 64, 13; 6; 86, 5'. a-bhashénya, to be honoured :
a-bhúshényam, V, 55, 4.
ambhrins, the voice of the thunder :
(275.) â-yagi, erjagend, obtaining:
(V, 54, 19.) ayu, life:
Syau (for âyau), 1, 114, 89. âyú, man : ày6-bhib, with the men (Å yus), V,
60, 89.—âyat, read &yau, 1, 114, &yudha, weapon: Lyudha, 1, 39, 2; V, 57, 6; VIII,
20, 11 ; Kyudhaib, vil, 56, 13;
57, 3. &yus, life: &yub, I, 37, 15; &yushi, (1, 114,8);
ayumshi pra târishat, X, 186,1;
&yumshi su-dhitâni, (225.) ârâ, a shoemaker's awl:
(1, 37, 38; 88, 3'.) aråt, far:
árát kit yuyota, VII, 58, 6; X, 77, áráttât, from afar:
1, 167, 9. drugatnú, breaking through:
árugatnú-bhib (c. Acc.), I, 6, 5. åruni, red flame :
árunishu, I, 64, 79. âré, far: aré kakrima, we have put ayay, I,
171,4; âré, may it be far, 1, 172, 2 (bis); VII, 56, 17; 1, 114, 10; âré asmát asyatu, may he drive far away from us, 1, 114, 4; âré
bâdhethâm, VI, 74, 2. Årgiká, N. of a country: ärgiké, VIII, 7, 291-A sacrificial
vessel, (VIII, 7, 29'.)– Árgikâb, N. of the people of Årgika, (398
seq.) Årgika, N. of a river:
(399.) Årgikiya, n. = Argîka, the country : (398 seq.) - Ârgikiya, f.=Ârgika,
the river, (399.) âvís, openly:
ávíb (karta), 1, 86, 9; VII, 58, 5. X-vrita, invested :
X-vritah, I, 87, 4. â-sás, wish : '
â-sasab, V, 56, 2. Xâ, cleft:
Xab, I, 39, 39 â-sír, milk (for the Soma):
a-síram, 1, 134, 6 (bis).
Argike, vivi,7,29 Argika,
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