the saint deceived", for him shall be later destructions. Long life shall be his lot in the darkness ; foul shall be his food; his speech shall be of the lowests. And this, which is such a life" as your own, O ye vile! your (perverted) conscience through your own deeds will bring you !
21. But Ahura Mazda will give both Universal Weal and Immortality' in the fulness of His Righteous Order, and from himself 8 as the head of Dominion (within His saints). And He will likewise give the Good Mind's vigorous might 10 to him who in spirit and deeds is His friend 11, (and with faith fulfils his vows 12).
1 I follow the admirable lead of the Pahlavi here, as the previous verse mentions veracity. Its indication is pavan frifisno, freely.
? I differ with diffidence from the hint of the Pahlavi here (as elsewhere). It has shivan=tears, which however is free for calamity' and 'sorrow. Nom. sing.; see its position.
. Anák räbisnih yemalelûnêdo. This placed together with such passages as XLVI, 11, XLIX, 11, and LI, 13, formed the basis for the more complete Yast XXII. • Others prefer 'place,' but see âyâ in line b.
Has led on'? . I cite Ner. : He who betrays the pure through his fraud, may (deceit) be (also his portion) at the last; (that is, let it be so afterwards; it is in his soul). Long is his journey, and his arrival is in darkness; and evil food and increasing lawlessness is his [ ]. Darkness is your world, O ye wickedl your in-bred deeds, and your dîn, are leading you on.
* That Ameretatât means more than long life is clear from amesha.
* Afas nafsman patih. The Gathic would be more literally perhaps 'from His own Dominion.' . Sardârîh.
10 Vazdvarîh; Ner. pivaratvam. 11 One naturally thinks of urvatha (vratha), as having something of the sense of vratyá. But usage compels also the sense of friendship. Hübschmann, Casuslehre, s. 259, der durch Gesinnung und Thaten sich ihm als freund erweist.'
" Ner.: Maha gñâni dadau Svâmi* avirdadât* amirdadât sampûr.
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