39. If the Zaotar be in a state of sin and the assistants be righteous,
If they know that he is in a state of sin, What they recite themselves is accepted.
If they know not that he is in a state of sin, the whole of the Gâthas is accepted.
If the Zaotar be righteous and the assistants be righteous, the whole is accepted.
If the Zaotar be in a state of sin and the assistants be also in a state of sin, neither the one nor the other is accepted.
40!. Any one of the faithful is accepted as a Zaotar,
Even a woman? or a child, . If he know the ends and the heads of the chapters,
And know how to perform the acts of ritual between the chapters.
FARGARD II. I. The celebration of the Gâhânbârs. 41. He who does not sing the Gathas, either out of unbelief, or out of impiety, becomes a Peshôtanu.
What is unbelief? What is impietyo ? It is renouncing the Religion of Mazda.
426 He who stays the year through without singing the Gathas becomes a Peshôtanu.
• As there are certain repetitions of stanzas and certain ceremonial acts at the end of most of the Hâs.
• asta: negation; when he says, there is no such thing as Religion' (Comm.) o tarômaiti : 'when he says, it exists, but it is no good.'
. On the sin of him who does not celebrate the Gâhânbârs, and how they are to be celebrated' (Dinkart, 1.1.8 8).
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