The learned man who absorbs objects of desire from all sides, as a tortoise (draws in) his limbs '. and who is devoid of passion, and released from everything, is ever happy. Restraining objects of desire within the selfs, he becomes fit for assimilation with the Brahman“, having his cravings destroyed, and being concentrated in mind, and friendly and affectionate to all beings. The fire of the Adhyatma® is kindled in a sage by his abandoning the country!, and by the restraint of all the senses which hanker after objects of sense. As fire kindled with fuel shines forth with a great blaze, so the great self shines forth through the restraint of the senses. When one with a tranquil self perceives all entities in one's own heart, then being self-illumined", one attains to that which is subtler than (the most) subtle (thing) ?, and than which there is nothing higher. It is settled, that the body in which the colour 11 is fire, the flowing'
Cl. Gitâ, pp. 50, 51, and Sảnti Parvan (Moksha Dharma) I, 51, where the phrase is precisely the same as here.
* I. e. from all bonds, I suppose. See p. 292 supra. . Cf. Gita, p. 51. • Cl. Gitá, p. 110. Cf. Gitá, p. 68.
• I.e. experience, Nilakantha. It means direct perception of the relations between the supreme and individual sell. Cf. Ghrá, p. 111.
? As opposed to forests. See Sanatsugåtiya, p. 159, note 9. . This must mean bere the supreme self, apparently.
• I.e. being devoted to the self only, Arguna Misra. The ordinary meaning of the word, however, is one who has direct experience or perception without the aid of senses, &c. Cf. Briba. daranyaka, p. 765, and Sårfraka Bhashya, pp. 648, 784, &c.
10 Nilakantha says, The supreme Brahman which is subeler than the Brahman within the lotus-like heart.
" I.e. that which perceives colour, viz. the sense, Arguna Misra This applies to the analogous words coming further on.
" I.e. taste, says Arguna Misra, which seems to be more correct than Nilakanila's blood and such other liquid elements of the body.
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