accurately described to you the creation'as connected with the (individual) self. A knowledge of this, Oye who understand piety! is here obtained by those who possess knowledge. One should place all these together,. (viz.) the senses, the objects of the senses. and the five great elements, and hold them by the minds. When everything is absorbed into the mind, the pleasures of (worldly) life: are not esteemed. The learned (men) whose understandings are possessed of knowledge esteem the pleasure derived from that'. Now I shall proceed to describe that discarding of all entities by (means) gentle and hard", which produces attachment to subtle? (topics), and is sanctifying. The (mode of) conduct in which qualities are not (treated as) qualities, which is free from attachment, in which one lives alone", which is uninterrupted 10, and which is full of the Brahman". is called happiness (dwelling) in one aggregate !?.
"I am not quite sure that this is a correct rendering. But I can think of Done better, and the commentators afford no help.
• Nilakantha says, 'Thinking that the great clements are not disuinct from the senses, one should bold them absorbed in the mind.' Arguna Misra says, 'In the mind as their seat they should be placed,' as being not distinct from the mind, I presume. Cf. Katha, p. 148.
. Literally, 'birth.' • From knowledge, I presume. The commentators afford no help. • Arguna Misra's text appears to commence a new chapter bere.
• Such as meditation or upasana, and pranayama or restraint of life-winds respectively, Arguna Mirra.
Cf. P. 310 spra. • I.e. bravery, learning, &c. are treated as not being merits, as they cause pride, &c, Nilakantha.
• I.e. in solitude, Nhakantha; devoting oneself to the self only, Argana Mista. Cf. also p. 284 supra, note 4.
** Or, says Nilakantha, free from any belief in distinctions. " Another reading would mean which exists among Brahmaras.'
l.e. all collected togetber, I presume.
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