The Brahmana said: He is without symbols ', and also without qualities; nothing exists that is a cause of him. I will only state the means by which he can be comprehended or not. A good means is found, namely, action ? and knowledge, by which thats (entity), which has the symbols (useful) for knowledge. attributed to it through ignorance, is perceived as by bees. In the (rules for) final emancipation, it is not laid down, that a certain thing should be done, and a certain thing should noto. But the knowledge of the things beneficial to the self is produced in one who sees and hears?. One should adopt as many of these things, (which are) means of direct perception, as may here be practicable—unperceived, and those whose form is perceived, in hundreds and in thousands, all of various descriptions. Then one comes near to that beyond which nothing exists.
The Deity said: Then the mind of the Brahmana's wife, after the
See Sanatsugaliya, p. 160. · Viz. that which is required as a preliminary to the acquisition of knowledge, and hence is necessary for final emancipation.
· The Brahman. • I.e. symbols which are to convey a knowledge of the Brahman.
I.e. in a way not perfect; as becs bovering above a flower get the fragrance of it without grasping the flower itself, so these means give one an imperfect knowledge of the Brahman to be afterwards perfected by constant meditation upon it (nididhyasa). • As it is in the prior portion of the Vedas, as to sacrifices, &c.
Sees, i.e. by contemplation; hears, i.e. from a teacher, Arguna Mirra.
• This seems to mean such things as hearing, reading, &c., which would be perceived' scil. by the senses; and all intellectual operations which would be 'unperceived.'
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