shall they lay down, apart on the ground, according as the corn is dry or wet; as it is sown or not sown; as it is reaped or not reaped ; [as it is beaten or not beaten]"; as it is winnowed or not winnowed?; (as it is ground or not ground] *; as it is kneaded (or not kneaded]s; they shall sprinkle it once over with water, and it shall be clean.
VII a. 36 (94). O Maker of the material world, thou Holy One! If a worshipper of Mazda want to practise the art of healing, on whom shall he first prove his skill ? on worshippers of Mazda or on worshippers of the Daêvas + ?
37 (96). Ahura Mazda answered: 'On worshippers of the Daêvas shall he first prove himself, rather than on worshippers of Mazda. If he treat with the knife a worshipper of the Daêvas and he die ; if he treat with the knife a second worshipper of the Daêvas and he die; if he treat with the knife for the third time a worshipper of the Daêvas and he die, he is unfit for ever and ever.
38 (99). Let him therefore never attend any worshipper of Mazda; let him never treat with the knife any worshipper of Mazda, nor wound him with the knife. If he shall ever attend any worshipper of Mazda, if he shall ever treat with the knife any worshipper of Mazda, and wound him with the knife,
From the Vendidad Såda.
· Doubtful. • This is supplied, as it seems to be required by the context and by the Pahlavi translation.
• On Zoroastrians or on idolaters (or, what is tantamount, on Iranians or on non-Iranians).
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