XCII, 28.
XC, 7, he procures) a wife (possessed of the qualities mentioned above).
28. By giving a pair of shoes (he obtains) a carriage yoked with mules.
29. By giving an umbrella (he attains) heaven.
30. By giving a fan or a chowrie (he obtains) prosperity in travelling.
31. By giving a house (he receives) the post of governor of a town.
32. Whatever a man is most fond of in this world (himself) and what his family like best, all that he must bestow upon a virtuous (Brâhmana), if he wishes it to become imperishable.
XCIII. 1. What is given to another than a Brahmana produces the same fruit in the world to come.
2. (What is given) to one who calls himself a Brâhmana (because he was born and initiated as such, but who does not perform his daily duties) produces twice the same fruit.
3. (What is given to one who has studied the main portions of the Veda produces a thousand times the same fruit.
XCIII. 1-4. M. VII, 85; Gaut. V, 20. — 7. M. IV, 192.-8. M. IV, 195.- 9-13. M. IV, 196-200.
1. The term abrâhmana (one not a Brâhmana) refers to Kshatriyas and the like.' Kulluka on M.VII, 85. Dr. Bühler's rendering of Gautama V, 20 agrees with this interpretation. Nand., on the other hand, refers the term abrâhmana to six kinds of Brâhmanas enumerated by Sâtâtapa, who have infringed the rule of their caste by taking their substance from a king, or by selling or buying forbidden articles, or by sacrificing for a multitude of persons, &c. The term 'the same fruit' means that a person shall receive in a future world what he has given in this. (Nand.)
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