273 11. The giver of a horse attains the mansion of Surya (the sun-god).
12. The giver of a garment (attains) the mansion of Kandra (the god of the moon).
13. By giving gold (he attains) the mansion of Agni (the god of fire).
14. By giving silver (rūpya, he obtains) beauty (rupa).
15. By giving dishes (pâtra) made of (gold or silver or other) metal he renders himself worthy (pâtra) to obtain everything he may desire.
16. By giving clarified butter, honey, or oil (he acquires) freedom from disease;
17. The same by giving (boiled or otherwise dressed) drugs.
18. By giving salt (lavana, he obtains) personal charms (lâvanya).
19. By giving grain (produced in the rainy season, such as Syâmâka grain, he acquires) satiation;
20. The same (effect is obtained) by giving grain (produced in winter or spring, such as wild turmeric or wheat).
21. A giver of food (obtains) all the rewards (enumerated above).
22. By giving grain (of any of the kinds not mentioned before, such as Kulattha or Kodrava grain, he obtains) good fortune.
23. A giver of sesamum (obtains) such offspring as he desires.
24. A giver of fuel (obtains) an excellent digestive power;
25. And he obtains victory in every fight. 26. By giving a seat (he obtains) high rank. 27. By giving a bed (of the kind declared above,
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