XLIX, 1.
thou water mixed with honey; the Rishis have proclaimed thee an expeller of every kind of guilt and an instrument of purification.
18. You are clarified butter and honey, O ye barley-corns; you are water and ambrosia, O ye barley-corns. May you efface whatever sinful acts I have committed :
19. Sins committed by words, by acts, and by evil thoughts. Avert distress and ill-fortune from me, O ye barley-corns.
20.‘Purify food licked at by dogs or pigs, or defiled by leavings (of food), and (purify me from the stain) of disobedience towards mother and father, O ye barley-corns.
21. “Purify for me food given by a multitude of persons, the food of a harlot, or of a Sadra, food offered at a Sraddha, food rendered impure by the birth of a child in the house, the food of a thief, and food offered at a Navasraddha (or new Srâddha, which takes place on the first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh day after a person's demise).
22. 'Purify me, O ye barley-corns, from the sin of injuring a child or of causing (a punishment) to be inflicted on some one by the king, from theft of gold (or other high crimes), from the violation of a religious duty, from performing a sacrifice for an unworthy person, and from abusing a Brâhmana.'
XLIX. 1. After having fasted during the eleventh day of the bright half of the month Mârgasirsha, let a
XLIX. 1. He must worship Vasudeva either with sixteen acts, muttering one out of the sixteen verses of the Purushasûkta with each single act, the first act being the invocation of the gods, and
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