With these words he must fasten blades of Kusa grass (round the neck of the kettle).
7. The pulse having been boiled, he must pour it into another vessel and eat it.
8. Let him help himself to it, while muttering the Mantra, 'The gods, who have sprung up in the mind and satisfy the mind, who are gifted with great energy, and whose father is Daksha, shall protect and help us. To them be Namah (adoration), to them be Svâhâ (hail).'
9. Then, after having sipped water, let him seize the centre (of the vessel) and mutter the Mantra :
10. 'Be satisfied in our stomach, O ye waters, and ye barley-corns, after having been bathed; they shall be salubrious to us, conferring bliss, causing health, divine, causing immortality, and increasers of Rita (truth and justice).'
11. One desirous of wisdom (must perform this rite) for three days;
12. A sinner, for six days.
13. Any of the mortal sinners (killers of a Brâhmana, stealers of gold, and the rest) becomes purified by swallowing it for seven days.
14. Swallowing it for twelve nights effaces even sins committed by an ancestor;
15. Swallowing it for a month, every sin (whether light or heavy, and whether committed by himself or by an ancestor).
16. And so does swallowing barley-corns dissolved in the excrements of a cow for twenty-one days (efface every sin).
17. “Thou art barley, thou the king of grains, 8. Taittirîya Samhitâ I, 2, 3, 1. See also Vâgasaneyi Samhita IV, II, &c.
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