detachment towards such aspects. In this connection Shrimad has observed as under (Vachanamrut # 718).
“Detachment, renouncement, compassion, etc. need to have internal bearing. They would be fruitful, when associated with self-realization, because that can remove the root cause of birth and death. In other words, detachment, renouncement, compassion etc. become helpful in attaining self-realization. The teaching of true Guru fructifies, when one is imbibed with those attributes. Since such teaching does not become fruitful in absence of refinement at heart, it is said here that detachment etc. are the means for attaining Self-realization.
“For those, who are lifeless ritualists, it is said here that mere bodily restraint does not become helpful in attaining self-realization. Detachment and such other attributes are the requisites for attaining it. Therefore undertake such activities, but do not get stuck there. One cannot get rid of the root cause of birth and death in absence of realization. As such, resort to detachment etc. for the purpose of gaining realization; do not insist that the path of liberation lies in bearing the hardships that do not lead to reduction in defilement."
“To the bare knowledgeable ones, who are devoid of renouncement and detachment, who are merely verbally knowledgeable, it is said that detachment etc. are the means for attaining realization. No outcome arises without a cause. Since you have not even gained detachment and other means, better think at depth how you could have attained self-realization. Self-realization does not arise in absence of highly objective attitude for the worldly life, reduced level of attachment for the body, detachment for the worldly pleasure, thinning of ego and such other