then nor does he stay complacent merely by being sorry.”
Thus a really knowledgeable person treats the defiling instinct as an ailment and refrains from indulging in attachment or resentment. Having developed true detachment for the worldly objects he does not long for anything. The sense of craving or aversion becomes unbecoming to him. Those, who do not have such concept at heart, merely remain bare knowledgeable. Despite their scriptural knowledge, they stay deluded about the right path and continue to drift in the worldly sea of birth and death.
વૈરાગ્યાદિ સફળ તો, જો સહ આતમજ્ઞાન; તેમ જ આતમજ્ઞાનની, પ્રાપ્તિતણાં નિદાન.
Vairagyädi Safal To, Jo San Ätamjnän; Temaj Ätamjnänani, Präpti Tanä Nidän.
Detachment, etc. are meaningful, if accompanied by the knowledge of Self. Moreover, they can serve as the means for attaining Self-realization. (6)
Explanation & Discussion: This stanza relates to the vital importance of detachment, renouncement, etc. in spiritual pursuit. Many a time the people experience detachment due to physical pain, emotional distress, loss of dear ones etc. Such detachment does not arise out of true understanding of the transitory nature of worldly life. Hence it does not last and after some time they would again get attracted towards the worldly objects. True knowledge of worldly aspects is thus a requisite for the lasting detachment. Thereby one would realize the essentially temporary nature of every worldly aspect and lose interest therein. That would lead to true