wandering, they must have performed rituals and observed austerities countless number of times. That has not brought the lasting well being, nor has it led them on the path of liberation. They are thus naive to believe that observance of any ritual without an eye towards its purpose can be helpful.
Moreover, the lifeless ritualists object to resorting to the path of knowledge. They think that the path of knowledge is slippery and hazardous. There are too many pitfalls and is not meant for them. As such, they turn their back towards knowledge. Shrimad therefore warns against the performance of rituals without inner discrimination and against the misconceptions prevailing in that respect.
Lifeless rituality occurs even among the followers of Shrimad. Many of them ritually recite Ätmasiddhi Shästra and other compositions as mere routine. Even this stanza is recited mechanically. Very few people remain vigilant about the meaning and purpose of what they recite.
બંધ મોક્ષ છે કલ્પના, ભાખે વાણી માંહી; વર્તે મોહાવેશમાં, શુષ્કજ્ઞાની તે આંહી.
Bandh Moksha Chhe Kalpana, Bhäkhe Väni Mänhin;
Varte Mohäveshmän, Shushka Jnäni Te Ähin.
Bare knowledgeable are those, who verbally talk of bondage and liberation as being imaginary, but who behave under the influence of delusion. (5)
Explanation & Discussion: This stanza describes the characteristics of the bare knowledgeable people. A bare knowledgeable one is he, who has acquired information from scriptures but has not