of the rituals. Every ritual has, however, some purpose. The purpose behind the ritual and its relevance need to be kept in mind while performing it; otherwise it becomes lifeless and mechanical; such performance does not yield the expected benefit. The rituals are primarily meant for cultivating detachment and for augmenting the sense of devotion. Their ultimate objective is to gain equanimity. The lifeless ritualists fail to make out that aspect.
Austerities also are mostly observed with such notions. The main purpose of the external austerities is to develop bearing capability so as to maintain equanimity under difficult circumstances. For example, fasting is meant for developing capability to stay without food for some time, and Ayambil for getting used to tasteless foods. Those purposes are often lost sight of and the people generally observe the austerities with a view to earning Punya.
Moreover, rituals are often carried out with ulterior motives. Desire to be known as a religious person in the community, expectation to get heavenly pleasures in subsequent life, inclination to follow the family traditions and the fear of infernal life are the examples of such ulterior motives. The lifeless ritualists might also think that mere observance of austerities and other restraints, reciting prayer, going to temple, etc. would result in eradication of unwholesome Karma and lead them to Karmaless state. They are not aware that lifeless observance of the rituals can lead to wholesome Karma, but it cannot lead to the Karmaless or liberated state.
As a matter of fact, no activity without internal bearing and true understanding can lead to liberation. The people without internal discrimination thus stay deluded about the liberation. They do not realize that during the infinite