The state, where the sense of delusion is either destroyed or is calmed down, is called the enlightened one; all else is illusion. (139)
Explanation & Discussion: Throughout the present discussion we had the occasions to talk about the enlightened person and the enlightenment gained by his grace. The characteristics of true Guru given in stanza 10 would be helpful in identifying an enlightened person, but how does one make out whether he himself has gained enlightenment? This stanza gives a yardstick for that purpose. It states that enlightenment arises only when delusion is overcome. As discussed earlier, enlightenment is inherent in soul, but it has been overshadowed by the impact of delusion. If that delusion is removed, enlightenment becomes manifest.
Whether it is perception-related or character-related, delusion can be overcome by the process of destruction or by pacification. In either of the cases, the deluding Karma ceases to be operative and the enlightenment shines out. It changes the entire outlook. In that light one clearly makes out the utter transitory nature of worldly life. As such. the worldly objects no longer seem attractive to him. The absence of attachment for the worldly life is thus the sign of having overcome the delusion. Those, who think of the rise of enlightenment while being attached to the worldly aspects, merely delude themselves. Pitiable is the state of such deluded beings!
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Sakal Jagat Te Entivat, Athava Swapma Saman,
Te Kahie Jhani Dasha, Baki Vachanan.