Tyag: Literally this means giving up something, which can be external or internal. Renouncing the worldly objects is external Tyag. Internally it means giving up of craving, aversion and other defiling instincts, which are extraneous to soul. Once a person has grasped the truth, giving up of wrongs automatically comes forth.
Vairägya: This means detachment. It denotes absence of attachment and resentment. Renouncement and detachment are mostly used together and they seem to be alike. The difference is that detachment is a state of mind, while renouncement indicates
These seven attributes are interrelated and can be developed one after another starting with compassion. One, who has compassion at heart, tries to maintain calmness. Calmness can lead to equanimity, and that can give rise to forgiveness. When all these attributes are in place, one can think of resorting to truth. In other words, he tries to remain tuned to soul. For staying tuned one has to give up all those aspects that go against the well being of soul. If he cannot give up some of them, he at least develops detachment for them. These attributes help in maintaining Self-awareness, and are indicative of being a liberation seeker. If one does not hold them, he is evidently not a liberation seeker. It is therefore said here that they are always present at the heart of a truth seeker.
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Mombináv Kshay Hoy dyan, Athavá Hoy Prashant;
Te Kahie rami Dasha, Baki Kahe Bhránt.