Sixth Fundamental-Path and Means of Liberation
The aspirant, who has the receptivity, can be enlightened from the teaching of a true Guru. It would make him think that he had so far wrongly identified himself with the body, and had failed to see the truth on account of his ego and attachment for the worldly aspects. He would therefore rely upon the Guru and follow his precepts. This is termed here as Samakit. That is the first phase of right perception, which can also be termed as Vyavahär Samakit.
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Mat Darshan Agrah Tajli, Varte Sadgunulaksha; Lahe Shuddha Samakit Te, Jeman Bhed Na Paksha.
Giving up beliefs, ideology, and strong opinion, if one acts as directed by a true Guru, he attains pure perception. This is beyond all differences and disputes. (110)
Explanation & Discussion: The worldly souls have been living with different beliefs and ideologies that they might have inherited or gained from the sectarian or wrong gurus. The concepts that they might have formed about spiritual pursuit or about the nature of omniscient and liberated souls are not likely to be true. The people, however, tend to stick to the traditional aspects. That shows the conceited mentality, which constitutes the major obstruction in getting to the right path. Sticking to one's own viewpoint keeps the person away from the truth; that is the main hurdle in getting on the path of liberation. One therefore needs to give up his beliefs, opinions, etc. and resort to the right Guru in order to learn the truth.