The pupil's argument is similar to Chärväk's point of view. Chärväk was an atheist, who did not believe in the existence of soul or God. He believed in living merrily as long as one survives. This can be seen from the following slogan of his philosophy:
Yavat Jivam Sukham Jivet, Runam Krutvä Dhrutam Pibet; Bhasmibhutasya Dehasya, Punaragamanam Kutah?
It means: Live happily so long as you are alive; enjoy the rich foods even by incurring debt; how is the body, which is turned into ashes, going to come back?
But the pupil is not an atheist and does not believe in the philosophy of Chärväk. His purpose is to know the truth so that he can undertake the spiritual pursuit without having any doubt. He therefore presents the problems arising in the mind with a view to obtaining clarification.
અથવા વસ્તુ ક્ષણિક છે, ક્ષણે ક્ષણે પલટાય; ZÀ 240ml ye dål, HICHI focal yena.
Athavä Vastu Kshanik Chhe, Kshane Kshane Palatäy;
E Anubhavathi Pan Nahi, Ätmä Nitya Janäy.
Alternately, every thing is ephemeral and undergoes change every moment; that experience also precludes the eternity of soul. (61)
Explanation & Discussion: The pupil presents another argument based on every day experience. It is our experience that everything goes on changing. New things get old; they are torn, worn, broken, divided, transformed, decomposed etc. The change and