Second Doubt regarding Everlastingness of Soul
heads, because they cannot recollect what they had heard. This happens because people generally go to lectures for fun, for judging the eloquence of the orator or for the sake of leisurely spending the time. They may therefore enjoy the speech, but nothing goes within and is retained.
It is therefore necessary to ponder over what one listens. The deeper the contemplation, the more durable is the impact. The contemplation at length is particularly necessary in spiritual aspects. In this case the pupil has reflected deeply upon what the Guru had said and he feels convinced about the existence of soul as distinct from body, sense-organs or breath.
ily risi 214 cui, HICHI ole hladi;
દેહયોગથી ઊપજે, દેહવિયોગે નાશ.
Biji Shankä Thäy Tyän, Atmä Nahin Avinäsh;
Deh Yogathi Upaje, Deh Viyoge Näsh.
Now another doubt arises regarding the indestructibility of soul; it might be emerging with formation of the body and getting destroyed when the body is decomposed. (60)
Explanation & Discussion: The pupil now contends that the soul cannot be everlasting. It is every day experience that whatever we come across is subject to wear and tear, and is ultimately destroyed. The pupil therefore argues that the soul also must be subject to the same process of destruction. He has now no doubt about its existence; but he feels that the soul might be arising with the formation of the body and might be destroyed at the time of death.