is no rationale in arguing that the body and the soul could be the same.
જડ ચેતનનો ભિન્ન છે, કેવળ પ્રગટ સ્વભાવ; એકપણું પામે નહીં, ત્રણે કાળ દ્વયભાવ.
Jad Chetanano Bhinna Chhe, Keval Pragat Swabhäv;
Ekpanun Päme Nahin, Trane Käl Dway Bhäv.
Manifest properties of lifelessness and consciousness are different; they can never become one; duality prevails forever. (57)
Explanation & Discussion: It was explained earlier that the basic properties of lifeless matter and those of consciousness are different and distinct. Their manifest characteristics are different. When two lifeless things come together, they can either form a homogenous mixture like that of milk and water or heterogeneous one like that of sand and sugar. In either of the cases the things retain their own properties. Neither are they transformed into some different substance, nor do they become conscious matter.
If the things that come together are subject to a chemical reaction, a new substance can emerge out of their composition. For instance, the combination of hydrogen and oxygen can result in water vapor. But that composition also does not give the property of consciousness to water. Moreover, even in the composed state, hydrogen does not become oxygen nor does oxygen become hydrogen. The atoms of hydrogen retain their properties and the atom of oxygen retains its own. Those properties simply remain latent so long as the composition lasts. This becomes evident