First Fundamental-Existence of Soul
points out to the pupil, “You being the knower, you know pots, cloth, etc. and therefore believe in their existence. But why do you overlook the knower itself? Is it possible to know anything without the existence of knower? Since you know all those objects, it is clear that there is the knower. Is it not amazing that, while believing in the objects that you know, you are hesitating to accept the existence of knower (soul)!”
424 ofrece si èehi, ząc że usa Heu; દેહ હોય જો આતમાં, ઘટે ન આમ વિકલ્પ.
Param Buddhi Krush Dehamän, Sthool Deh Mati Alpa;
Deh Hoy Jo Ätamä, Ghate Na Äm Vikalpa.
There may be sharp intellect in a frail body and poor intellect in an obese one; that cannot happen, if the body had been the soul. (56)
Explanation & Discussion: While reverting to the argument of the pupil about equating the body with the soul, the Guru asks him to examine the functioning of intellect. It is observed in many cases that a person may be having a very slim body, but he would be highly intelligent. Shrimad himself had a frail body, but how intelligent he was is known to every one. This Ätmasiddhi Shästra itself provides the evidence of his intellect.
On the other hand, it is also observed that one may be having a bulky body, but he may be short of intelligence. If the body could be the soul, the bulkier the body, the greater must be the soul and as a corollary, a bulkier person should be more intelligent than a slim one. However, our general experience is contrary to it. As such, there